Orange County 714-245-9910
Inland Empire 951-307-0707
Los Angeles 213-212-3500

Long Beach 562-203-3911
Bay Area 408-482-9679

Texas Man Accused in Shooting Death of Fort Worth Officer Required to wear SCRAM Bracelet

scram-braclet-frontEd McIver, Jr. was arrested when he and his father, Ed McIver, Sr. attempted to evade officers. Gunfire was exchanged between the duo and police resulting in the death of McIver, Sr. and fatal wounding of a Fort Worth Police Officer. McIver, Sr. was a wanted felon and according to his son is the one that fatally wounded Officer Matt Pearce of the Fort Worth Police Department. A grand jury agreed and felt that there was not enough information to indict the son on attempted capital murder charges. The District Attorney immediately refiled the charges but a judge reduced McIver, Jr.’s bail from $2 Million to $17,000. McIver posted bail and was fitted with a SCRAM and GPS Monitoring device as a condition of his release.

SCRAM and GPS Monitoring in Orange County

DMS (Diversified Monitoring Systems) is California’s original SCRAM provider. For over a decade, DMS has provided alcohol and drug monitoring to jurisdictions across the state. The state-of-the-art technology allows for alcohol monitoring and GPS location monitoring to be done in one convenience device. The ankle bracelet can be worn under most pant legs without being detected and is tamperproof. It is designed to prevent false readings and is heat resistant. To find out more about the SCRAM device or GPS monitoring contact DMS today at 714-245-9910.