Defendants accused of driving while intoxicated in the Victoria County Courthouse are offered targeted treatment through the DWI court. This collaborative court offers participants the ability to confront their underlying issues with alcohol addiction. The program has been in effect for nearly a decade. Participants in the program are able to avoid jail time by enrollment and completion. The program is completed in four steps and takes 9 months to 1 year to complete. Participants must stay completely sober throughout their monitoring period.
Alcohol monitoring in the Victory County Courthouse program is completed with ankle monitoring bracelets. Participants are also required to install ignition interlock devices and other strict requirements. The most important aspect of the program, according to participants and probation officers is that it holds defendants accountable. Defendants are held accountable to their sobriety with constant alcohol monitoring. Collaborative courts across the country have seen success with reducing drunk driving recidivism and other alcohol-related offenses.