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Target 25 Program Finds Success with SCRAM to Reduce Repeat DUIs in Pennsylvania


The Target 25 Program was introduced in York County, Pennsylvania in 2012 to specifically combat the problem of repeat drunk drivers. Too often judges in the county were seeing repeat offenders. Drunk driving cases were stacking up with people picking up new offenses before the completion of a prior DUI case. Target 25 requires all participants to complete an average of 90 days on SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring ensuring complete sobriety. Some participants are required to complete monitored house arrest in combination with alcohol monitoring. All offenders are assessed for alcohol treatment needs.

The program has met resounding success including a 90% reduction in repeat drunk driving offenses. A county once plagued by DUI recidivism saw Target 25 participants successfully complete mandated sobriety and stay out of future trouble. The program is aided by a nationally recognized leader the Honorable John S. Kennedy and a task force dedicated to reducing drunk driving. Target 25 has set the bar in Pennsylvania and across the nation. Lancaster and Warren Counties have implemented similar programs with other counties taking notice.