Top 10 States with High Levels of Excessive or Binge Drinking
According to USA Today, 18% of adults in the United States report drinking an “excessive amount of alcohol.” The amount, however, differs drastically depending on where you live.
For instance, their research (conducted with data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shows that Tennessee had the lowest level of adults who reported drinking excessively. The totals for the state were 11.2% which combined factors like the number of “alcohol-related deaths” and the “adults in fair or poor health.”
On the opposite end of the spectrum were states like North Dakota. In North Dakota, 24.7% of adults reported drinking excessively. Nearly half (46.7%) of traffic fatalities involved alcohol-related driving and 13.4% of adults were in fair or poor health.
The top 10 states with the highest level of adults who reported drinking excessively are:
- North Dakota
- Wisconsin
- Alaska
- Montana
- Illinois
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Hawaii
- Nebraska
- Michigan
States like New Mexico, Mississippi, Alabama, Utah, West Virginia, and North Dakota reported the lowest levels of excessive drinking.
Excessive drinking can lead to adverse health conditions including diabetes, obesity, cancer, liver failure, and premature death. If you drink large amounts of alcohol or regularly binge drink, it may be time to seek professional health.
Today, there are more treatment options than ever. It is in your best interest to seek treatment as early as possible to address an underlying addiction or reliance on alcohol.