Orange County 714-245-9910
Inland Empire 951-307-0707
Los Angeles 213-212-3500

Long Beach 562-203-3911
Bay Area 408-482-9679


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Many clients ask us how to enroll in Supervised Electronic Confinement (SEC) through Orange County Probation.

The process can be overwhelming and many find themselves being denied due to an incomplete application also there is no guarantee that an applicant will be accepted into the program. If you are denied SEC we might be able to help with private alternative sentencing.

Below you will find some of the items SEC requires when enrolling in the program.

  • Application must be completed in Black Ink
  • Copy of a Driver License, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate (or Certificate of Naturalization)
  • Hand drawn diagram of home (floor plan)
  • Copy of Drivers License of all adults living in the residence
  • Copy of home phone bill showing telephone number and address
  • Three recent pay check stubs, or a letter from employer indicating length of employment, work hours, and hourly pay
  • If applicant has a current Driver License they will need proof of current auto registration & proof of auto insurance
  • If someone else will provide transportation; the applicant must provide other drivers registration & insurance information.

More information about the enrollment process is available at the Orange County Probation website:

Probation Applications:

Probation Instructions & Application – English

Probation Instructions & Application – Vietnamese

Probation Instructions & Application – Spanish[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

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