Orange County 714-245-9910
Inland Empire 951-307-0707
Los Angeles 213-212-3500

Long Beach 562-203-3911
Bay Area 408-482-9679

SCRAM Resources and Information

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SCRAM Systems Evidentiary Hearings

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SCRAM Case Studies

SCRAM or Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring has proven effective. Case studies throughout the United States and across the world show how continuous alcohol monitoring has effectively reduced alcohol related crime such as driving under the influence. Studies show a reduced cost to taxpayers and increased compliance of DUI offenders.

Cherokee County, Georgia SCRAM Success Story

Cherokee County implemented Georgia’s DUI Court pilot program ten years ago. Offenders are required to wear alcohol monitoring devices for a minimum of 90 days. The DUI Court is thriving over a decade later with over 800 successful participants.

Bothell, Washington SCRAM utilized for Public Safety

Bothell’s main concern was public safety. By requiring first-time and repeat DUI offenders to comply with SCRAM requirements Bothell has seen a high compliance rate.

San Diego, California SCRAM Leads to Early Intervention

San Diego’s SCRAM requirement led to high compliance for DUI offenders, reduced jail overcrowding and supported early intervention in alcohol addiction. All courthouses in the County support SCRAM requirements because of its success.

Alcohol Addiction Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous


The OPTIONS Program is composed of 3 mandatory steps and 1 optional component. The first component is the Drug Patch which monitors substance abuse. The second component is outpatient treatment including group and individual counseling as well as outside 12-step meetings. Finally, there is the Core Program which combines intake, treatment, case management and mentoring. The fourth optional component is the SCRAM HA bracelet which monitors curfew for additional structure.

DUI Resources

California DUI Lawyer’s Association

Many DUI defense attorneys in Orange County and throughout California will have their clients put on a SCRAM alcohol monitoring bracelet prior to even going to court. Showing the court that you are sober and have been sober for a long period of time can help your case. It shows proactive behavior as opposed to simply reacting to court requirements. To find out more about pre-trial (and pre-filing) SCRAM options contact DMS today at 714-245-9910.

Orange County DUI Court Program

Orange County DUI Court Locations:

Central Justice Center – Santa Ana
909 North Main Street

Santa Ana, California 92701
Thursdays at 1:30 pm in Community Courts Building

Harbor Justice Center – Newport Beach

4601 Jamboree Raod
Newport Beach, California 92660

Tuesdays at 9:00 am in Courtroom H4

North Justice Center – Fullerton
1275 North Berkeley Avemue
Fullerton, California 92832
Thursday at 8:30 am in Courtroom N4

West Justice Center – Westminster
8141 13th Street
Westminster, California 92683
Alternating Fridays at 8:30 am in Courtroom W12

Orange County DUI Court Handbook

Bail Resources

Pre-Trial SCRAM alcohol monitoring may aid in bail reduction in some cases. Judges will often order that repeat DUI offenders (and in some extreme cases first-time offenders) refrain from consuming alcohol. A SCRAM bracelet can help prove sobriety to a judge, prosecutor, probation officer or any other party. A judge may be more inclined to reduce bail if sobriety can be proven or even release you on your own recognizance with the requirement of alcohol monitoring.

Find out more about posting bail in Orange County.

General Information

Orange County District Attorney

401 Civic Center Drive West

Santa Ana, California 92701

(714) 834-3600

Orange County Public Defender’s Office

14 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, California 92701

(714) 834-2144[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

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