[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Advances in scientific technology has made alcohol monitoring in Orange County easier than ever. The SCRAM CAM bracelet provides 24/7 alcohol monitoring for low and high-risk offenders. The SCRAM device requires complete sobriety and has helped reduce repeat DUI offenses in Orange County and throughout the country. The alcohol-monitoring bracelet can be easily converted to include location monitoring with real-time alerts. The device is industry-leading and court approved with over 1600 jurisdictions currently using SCRAM technology. The device is designed with a tamper-proof bracelet that is one of the most innovative and advanced designs on the marketplace today. Diversified Monitoring Systems works with law enforcement, probation departments and court staff to make sure that all agency needs are being met.
Orange County Court-Validated SCRAM Technology
The Orange County SCRAM CAM bracelet is independently tested and provides 24/7 customer support. There is AMS Data Analysis for every alert indicated by the alcohol monitoring device as well as transdermal alcohol testing that correlates to BAC readings. The device is worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week requiring complete compliance and complete sobriety. The device tests a participant every 30 minutes emitting a small vibration while testing. The vast majority of wearers report getting use to the vibration within the first day meaning the SCRAM CAM bracelet is one of the least invasive, automated alcohol monitors on the market.
The device works with a base station that automatically uploads and transmits data stored by the bracelet. Participants are no longer excluded because they do not have the right connectivity. The SCRAM CAM bracelet connects to the base station through a number of options including Wi-Fi, landline or through an Ethernet connection. People no longer need additional equipment or installation. Connecting is easier than ever.
How Orange County Alcohol Monitoring Works with SCRAM CAM Technology
SCRAM transdermal technology works by testing imperceptible perspiration excreted through the skin. The perspiration secretes alcohol that has been metabolized in the system. The alcohol is reported in a TAC reading which directly correlates to court accepted Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) readings. The device can be worn discreetly under most pant legs. It is water-resistant meaning participants can wear the device while showering and working out. The user is given a specific set of products that contain alcohol which should be avoided but new testing technology allows an analyzer to differentiate between an outside trigger and actual alcohol consumption.
Orange County alcohol-monitoring through the SCRAM bracelet boasts a 99.3% compliance rate every single day. This means that nearly every participant remains completely sober throughout the duration of their required testing period. The average compliance period is 98 days. Alcohol monitoring has reduced DUI recidivism by a record 45% in some jurisdictions according to the National Center for State Courts. Many DUI courts and sobriety programs require the use of SCRAM technology during pretrial, post-conviction and treatment phases. Every jurisdiction to require alcohol monitoring has seen a significant decrease in repeat offenders and has achieved success in changing participants’ lives.
Reports generated are easy to read and court-validated. The technology has been peer-reviewed and studied for decades with constant improvements and additions being made. There are currently a number of options offered to combat drunk driving and underlying alcohol or drug addiction. Monitoring solutions include GPS location monitoring, house arrest compliance, drug patch testing and remote alcohol breath testing in addition to the world’s most widely used alcohol monitoring bracelet the SCRAM device.
Now, through advanced technology, the transdermal alcohol monitor, can include optional house arrest monitoring in one convenient device. The constant testing eliminates any risk of missed tests or drinking in between compliance periods. The device tests every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The industry-leading technology contains temperature and infrared sensors to detect attempted obstructions or removals of the device.
SCRAM Requirements in Orange County DUI Court and Sobriety Programs
Courts, probation departments and law enforcement agencies have implemented SCRAM requirements in to their programs decreasing DUI recidivism and drunk driving as a whole. In addition to group alcohol counseling and individual treatment, many programs have required offenders to wear alcohol monitoring technology that requires complete sobriety. Many participants report that the device holds them accountable and requires their compliance. There is no way to deceive the alcohol monitor meaning that they must change their lifestyle in order to comply with court orders or presentencing requirements.
There are over 1 million drunk driving arrests in the United States each year. This staggering statistic means that combatting drunk driving is a top priority for most law enforcement agencies. Most alcohol-related fatalities involve blood alcohol levels of over .15% with 1/3 of all drunk drivers being repeat offenders according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. SCRAM CAM technologies have helped to reduce these numbers but there is still a large amount of work to be done. Programs like North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program have seen huge success with the additional alcohol monitoring requirement and other jurisdictions have taken note. Many states and local governments have put forth initiatives to start their own sobriety programs or DUI Courts.
The Orange County DUI Court is a court-supervised program for non-violent offenders. The program hopes to target those that have an underlying addiction to drugs or alcohol and has been chosen as an “Academy Court” by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the National Center for DWI Courts three times. The program is voluntary and requires regular court appearances as well as complete sobriety for a minimum of one year.
Why SCRAM Works
Monitoring sobriety can be difficult for courts and probation departments. Many people find ways to manipulate the system by drinking in between testing period. Many people believe that the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring bracelet holds participants accountable for their actions. There is no way to manipulate the tests. Tests are conducted automatically every 30 minutes. Many people change their lifestyle completely after a required sobriety period and report success across all areas of their life once making the change.
The SCRAM device has been proven effective time and again. Whether it is being used for presentencing, post conviction or as treatment, continuous alcohol monitoring with the SCRAM bracelet provides peace-of-mind that a participant is completely sober and complying with any alcohol-related court requirements.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
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