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Inland Empire 951-307-0707
Los Angeles 213-212-3500

Long Beach 562-203-3911
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SCRAM CAM Being Used to Combat Alcohol-Related Offenses in Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court

In 2008, Tulsa implemented the Tulsa Veterans Treatment Court to work with military veterans who are charged with nonviolent offenses and have drug or alcohol dependencies.  The program is supported by a federal grant as well as private funding and donations.  Participation is voluntary and supervised by a judge.  The goal of the court is to help participants become abstinent and stay out of jail.  The program utilizes SCRAM (Secured, continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) devices to monitor alcohol consumption of participants.  It is an intensive court-supervised program designed for veterans who are struggling with alcohol or drug dependency which may have been the underlying reason for the arrest.

The Veterans Treatment Court requires at least 18 months of participation.  Participants are required to attend court weekly during the 1st Phase.  As participants complete each of the 5 Phases, required court appearances become less frequent.  In addition to requiring alcohol counseling and alcohol monitoring, the court provides job counseling and mental health services.

With the use of SCRAM, the program has seen an over 90% retention completion rate.  The vast majority of participants remain completely sober throughout the program.