It is without question that Halloween is no longer just for kids. Adults have been partaking in Halloween fun for many years. Trick or Treat has a whole new meaning as bars and clubs cater to scantily dressed women and eager men. The truth is that drinking on Halloween has proven deadly, particularly when Halloween falls on a Friday or Saturday night. An increase of pedestrian traffic added to an increase in drunk drivers has fatal consequences. Just in Orange County last year, we were devastated by the hit and run deaths of 3 young girls trick-or-treating in Santa Ana.
Law enforcement has answered this rise in Halloween imbibing by adding DUI Saturation Patrols and Checkpoints around the holiday. According to NHTSA, nearly 60% of all fatalities that occur on Halloween involve drunk drivers. Halloween is also one of the deadliest days for pedestrians, behind New Year’s Day.
The results are devastating. A drunk driving fatality will change the life of everyone involved. There is no recovery for the family of the victim or any other party involved in the accident. So, why risk it? As Halloween approaches this year, we urge you to consider alternatives. Try Uber, call a cab, buy dinner for your sober friend who can drive you home or even your very nice pregnant wife. Just don’t drink and drive. If you or a loved one needs help fighting addiction or is facing the consequences of driving under the influence, get assistance now. Diversified Monitoring Systems can help. We offer solutions for drug and alcohol abuse monitoring. SCRAM is proven technology that can monitor alcohol consumption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. DMS is Orange County’s Original SCRAM provider. We are here to help. Contact our offices today for more information at 714-245-9910.