Jobs Linked to High Rates of Suicide and Depression
According to the Business Insider, certain professions put workers at a higher risk for suicide and depression. Whether it is burnout or unreasonable demands, several jobs have workers more prone to mental health disorders compared with the general population.
As reported by the Insider, these professions have high rates of suicide and depression:
- Veterinarians
- Emergency medical technicians (EMTs)
- Construction workers
- Childcare workers
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Restaurant workers
- Humanitarian workers
- Lawyers
Long Hours, Student Loan Debt, and Staff Shortages
There are several reasons that these industries have higher rates of mental health disorders. Each profession has its own set of challenges that may impact a person’s mental well-being. Many of the jobs listed require a person to incur huge amounts of student loan debt. The jobs are often accompanied by long hours and staff shortages.
For people in animal and human health care, they may see a lot of pain and suffering or face having to euthanize animals. Some of the industries have high rates of substance use disorders which commonly co-occur with mental health disorders.
Low Wages and Job Security
In some situations, it may be low wages that lead to anxiety and stress. Financial uncertainty is a leading factor in depression and suicide rates. Job security is another reason cited, particularly for construction workers.
The statistics are devastating and have only been made worse by the pandemic. Unfortunately, rates of suicide and depression have continued to climb.
Seeking Treatment
It is imperative to seek treatment immediately if you are suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, or thoughts of suicide. Despite as many as 1 in 5 adults suffering from diagnosable mental health disorders, few ever seek treatment.
As more celebrities and public figures normalize their own struggles with mental health, it is hoped that getting treatment will be destigmatized and welcomed throughout every profession.