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Participating in Dry January

What is Dry January and How Can You Participate?

Dry January is a 31-day sober challenge to encourage a month-long commitment to not drinking. While it was initially popularized abroad, many people in the United States have made the leap and given up drinking for the first month of the year. 31 days without alcohol can be extremely good for your overall health and may help you to establish important long-term lifestyle changes.

Healthline recommends several ways to stick with the Dry January challenge including:

  • Setting goals
  • Establishing a support system and asking for help when you need it
  • Recognizing and avoiding triggers
  • Planning ahead
  • Finding alcohol alternatives

Read the full article “Say ‘Cheers!’ to Dry January with These 8 Easy Tips.”

Dry January can begin a path to sobriety that can make a huge impact on your health. Excessive alcohol consumption has both short- and long-term detrimental effects on your well-being including increased risk of cancer, trouble sleeping, liver problems, depression, weight gain, and more. If you struggle with addiction or a reliance on alcohol, you should seek professional treatment.

As the pandemic continues into the New Year, you may be tempted to use drugs or alcohol to cope with the stress and anxiety of an uncertain future. It is important to know that there are alternative coping mechanisms such as exercise, meditation, and getting sufficient sleep that can help you manage during stressful times. Make the commitment in 2021 to be your best self and commit to a healthy lifestyle.