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NHTSA Holiday Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign

Enforcement Mobilization Begins December 18 – January 1

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has announced its holiday anti-drunk driving campaign. According to their website, the holiday season is the deadliest when it comes to impaired driving. Paid media on the campaign will run from December 16, 2020, through January 1, 2021. Mobilization efforts begin December 18, 2020, and run through January 1, 2021.


The national campaign includes reminders that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving and that If you feel different, you drive different. Each year lives are lost to impaired driving. The statistics are devastating and preventable. In addition to launching a national effort to reduce drunk driving, other campaigns under this holiday season include efforts to reduce driving under the influence of drugs like  “Drive High Get a DUI.”


As noted in NHTSA’s 2020 Winter Holiday Social Media Playbook, the holidays are marked by “wide consumption of alcohol, and increasingly, marijuana.” The objectives of the campaigns this season are to:


  • Educate drivers on the impacts of impaired driving
  • Remind drivers of the consequences
  • Motivate drivers to not drive under the influence, and
  • Increase awareness of impaired driving enforcement


NHTSA has teamed up with law enforcement across the country to remind people that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs could cost you your driving privileges, your freedom, and your job. A first-time drunk driving arrest could cost you up to $10,000 in “attorney’s fees, fines, car towing, and lost time at work.”


As NHTSA reminds us ‘Tis the Season to Drive Sober, Fa la la la la, la la la la.