Marijuana is a hot topic amongst many politicians across the United States. With the legalization of pot spreading and the recognition of medical marijuana use in many states, the effects of pot smoking has been hotly debated. A new study shows that marijuana use with alcohol may further impair drivers.
Marijuana and Alcohol Case Study
The Institute for Human Psychopharmacology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands found that those who had mixed alcohol and pot were more impaired than other drivers who had done either drug independently. The test showed that drivers who were under the legal limit for alcohol exhibited the same signs as those well over the legal limit when they had combined marijuana and alcohol.
What this means for driving under the influence of drugs
With the debate raging on the effects of driving while under the influence of pot, this study undoubtedly calls into question the effect that combining alcohol and marijuana can have on a driver. It raises new concerns for lawmakers as they move into a new frontier that perhaps includes the legalization of pot across the country. Colorado, at the forefront of the legalized pot movement, will be allowing voters to decide if people should be able to smoke pot at bars or clubs in Denver. The eyes of the nation will be on this city to take the pulse of the public.
Drug and alcohol addiction help
This topic always brings up the more important subject of alcohol and drug addiction. Across the United States and the world-at-large too many people face the demons of addiction. Diversified Monitoring Systems can help. With alcohol and drug monitoring devices such as SCRAM and the drug patch, you no longer have to face these problems alone. DMS is here to help you and your family get through the difficult time whether you are facing criminal charges from a DUI or if you are wanting to get help with an underlying problem. We can assist you. Call today for a free consultation at 714-245-9910.