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Lapeer County Finds Success with Remote Monitoring During Pandemic

Continuous Alcohol Monitoring and GPS Ankle Units Prove Effective Amid Coronavirus


According to an article in The County Press, the Community Corrections department of Lapeer County has found success with its remote monitoring system. Using Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) bracelets and GPS units, offenders are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The monitors are a condition of probation or a part of sentencing, according to the reporting.

Even with the courts being shuttered the county had 29 clients with 13 “actively being monitored at this time.” Officials with Community Corrections informed The County Press that remote monitoring was beneficial for all parties including those being monitored. The monitoring not only helps keep the offenders accountable, but it also keeps the community safe and has “generated about $14,000 in revenue so far.”

Read the full article written by Krystal Moralee “Officials: Remote monitoring system working well for Community Corrections.”

SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring has proven effective for helping reduce recidivism. 24/7 monitoring combined with swift sanctions for non-compliance can help to fight drunk driving and deter repeat offenders. During COVID-19 many jurisdictions explored the option of remote monitoring to help reduce the spread of the virus. Offenders were released with monitoring as a condition of their probation or sentencing.

SCRAM CAM bracelets are worn on the ankle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a given monitoring period. During that period, the device tests for alcohol every 30 minutes analyzing the sweat that is excreted through the skin. Monitoring agencies are notified about any non-compliance reports or attempts to tamper with the device.