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LA County Receives Grant to Monitor Repeat DUI Offenders

The $350k Grant Was Given to the Los Angeles County Probation Dept.

As reported by, the Los Angeles County Probation Department received a $356,615 grant to help monitor repeat drunk driving offenders. The grant was given by the California Office of Traffic Safety. It will increase the ability to monitor high-risk DUI offenders ensuring that they are complying with the terms of their probation.

The one-year grant can be used through September 30, 2021, and will target those with multiple offenses. Funding will be used to help with compliance, check-ins, collaborating with court officials and prosecutors, alcohol testing.

Secured, Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring Device

Additionally, funding can go to “officer training in the Standard Field Sobriety Test” and “tracking and reporting SCRAM (Secured Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring Device) usage.” SCRAM CAM devices are worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a given monitoring period. During that time, the device tests for alcohol consumption every 30 minutes. The devices are tamper-resistant and allow for swift action for non-compliance.

Ideally, the grant will help to reduce drunk driving recidivism. Some of the funds will go to assist “local law enforcement on anti-DUI efforts.” The goal is to help people complete the terms of their probation and not end up committing the same offense.

Reducing Drunk Driving Recidivism

Throughout the country, drunk driving recidivism is a growing concern. Repeat offenders may be dealing with underlying dependence issues on alcohol, by addressing the base problem may help to reduce the number of people that re-offend. Continuous alcohol monitoring holds offenders accountable for their sobriety. Instances of non-compliance cannot be hidden, and there are no opportunities for “missed tests.”