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Jefferson County explores options with SCRAM Bracelets for Repeat Alcohol Offenders

Jefferson County is one of the latest to join the fight against DUI recidivism by requiring repeat drunk driving offenders to wear alcohol monitoring devices called SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitors. The ankle bracelets test every 30 minutes for alcohol consumption and are worn under a normal pant leg. Louisville has started monitoring offenders under the Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Program or CAMP. Over 600,000 people in nearly 2,000 jurisdictions have been monitored under the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitors. Many courts have seen reduction in repeat drunk driving offenses.

The devices have helped to deter drunk drivers, save lives and reduce overcrowded jails. The vast majority of offenders remain completely sober during the monitoring period. Jurisdictions across the country have used the devices to monitor defendants as they await trial, as a condition of a plea agreement or in some cases, both. Defendants can, in some circumstances, wear the device as an alternative to mandatory jail time. Many hope that the program will encourage a complete change in lifestyle, particularly remaining sober after the monitoring period ends. The device provides clear, concrete evidence that the defendant is sober and holds them accountable for their choices.