Why Iowa needs to implement real change to decrease drunk driving
A recent editorial in the Des Moines Register highlights the need for real change to occur in the next assembly. According to the article, Iowa saw a stark increase in the number of alcohol or drug related fatalities over the last 4 years. Little if anything has been done except a failed measure to enact a voluntary 24/7 Sobriety Program based off of South Dakota’s successful design. A coalition put forth by Iowa’s governor laid forth a detailed proposition that included a number of options for the state to consider to combat the problem. These include requiring participation in an alcohol monitoring program as used in South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program which requires participants to wear SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring bracelets and strengthening the state’s ignition interlock laws.
Drinking and driving is a real problem with deadly consequences throughout the nation. Courts and jurisdictions that have implemented alcohol monitoring requirements such as SCRAM bracelets or remote breath alcohol testing have seen a significant reduction in repeat drunk driving incidents. Addressing the underlying problem of drug and alcohol addiction saves lives by keeping people sober on the roads and at all times.