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Illinois Man Required to Wear Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet after crashing into house while driving under the influence

Harry Phelan, 31, of DeKalb County, was arrested for a 4th offense driving under the influence charge after he allegedly crashed into a house while drunk.  He has been released from jail and is required to undergo 24 hour a day alcohol monitoring with an alcohol monitoring bracelet such as a SCRAM device.  Phelan, according to authorities, has three prior drunk driving convictions and is currently on probation for a previous drunk driving conviction.  Phelan was released on his own recognition without having to post bail under the condition that he must wear an alcohol monitoring device while he awaits trial and remains under home confinement.  He is scheduled to appear on February 1 for his next court appearance.  Prosecutors have charged him with driving under the influence, improper lane use, driving without insurance, leaving the scene of a crash, unlawful transportation of alcohol and failing to reduce speed to avoid a crash.

At his bail assessment, the judge took into consideration that two of his prior drunk driving convictions were nearly 10 years old and the most recent one was in 2015.  He, according to the court, did not appear to be a flight risk as he holds down a job in the community.  Phelan’s crash damaged a residential home and tree located in their front yard.