The Benefits of SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM)
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM CAM) can be ordered by a judge as a condition of sentencing, but it can also be used as a jail alternative pretrial. In many cases, if you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) you will be required to post bail. Depending on the situation the bail could be relatively affordable to post, or it could be considerable. Every county has a set bail schedule, but a judge may use their discretion to set bail at an amount that is reasonable given the circumstances.
If the offense is a DUI with injury bail could be tens of thousands of dollars. If the offense is a drunk driving incident where someone is killed, and the person has a prior the judge may be unwilling to set bail, or it could be set very high. A judge may be willing to consider a reduction in bail in this type of case if there are additional conditions to the offender’s pretrial release. One condition that uses court-validated technology is the SCRAM CAM ankle monitor.
A SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring tests a person’s sweat for alcohol through a device that is worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the monitoring period. Testing is done for every 30 minutes, meaning a person is unable to “skip” tests. Wearers are held accountable to their sobriety and court-ordered compliance. If the device reports a drinking event, swift action can be taken for non-compliance including jail time.