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Help for Inmates with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

New Grant Focuses on Support for Inmates in Transylvania County


According to The Transylvania Times, the county was recently awarded a new grant that will provide funding to mental health and substance use programs in local detention centers. The grant is focused on “improving supports for recently incarcerated people” as noted by the article.

In total the grant, administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance will provide $599,767 over the course of three years. The money can be used to provide support for individuals that are incarcerated who suffer from mental health and substance use disorders. 

The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) will have dedicated staff and provide mental health counseling. Several organizations and agencies are collaborating on the project to help individuals reenter the community. 

Read the full article from The Transylvania Times, “County Gets Funding for Inmate Mental Health, Substance Use Programs.”

Studies Show Treatment Offers New Hope for Individuals with Mental Health Concerns

Treatment can offer individuals who suffer from mental health conditions new hope. Despite millions of American adults and children having diagnosable mental health disorders, few ever seek treatment. 

As noted by the National Alliance on Mental Health, around 2 million times individuals with serious mental illness are incarcerated each year. Around 63% of those with a history of mental illness never receive treatment while in prison. 

Mental health treatment goes a long way in helping individuals not only address their underlying condition but also in reentering their community. Jurisdictions across the nation are now offering some form of help for inmates with mental health conditions including treatment and diversion programs. 

It is important to speak with your attorney to discuss your options if you are charged with a crime and have a diagnosable mental health condition.