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Georgia “Fast-Track” Initiative Requires DUI Offenders to Wear SCRAM Bracelet

georgia-scram-requirementsJust over a year ago, Judge Jeanette Little launched a new program aimed at cracking down on repeat drunk drivers. The State Court Judge was tired of seeing the same defendants come in on multiple DUI offenses. She began requiring those arrested for 2nd or 3rd time DUIs to have a mandatory court appearance and be fitted with an alcohol-monitoring device before being released. The initiative was put in place to prevent high-risk drunk driving def
endants back on the road. Too many times those arrested for
driving under the influence would be released and out drinking before even appearing in court. The SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) bracelet is paid for by the defendants at a rate of $10 per day. This means that there is no additional burden on the taxpayers to keep track of these potential drunk drivers. The roads are safer and those that have proven an affinity for drinking and driving are required to stay sober.

The program aims to deal with the underlying problem of alcohol abuse and addiction. It helps people get the help they need quicker by fast-tracking enrollment in a rehabilitation or treatment program. Many offenders choose to participate in Troup County’s DUI Court or enter an inpatient treatment program.