The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) recognized the importance of using continuous alcohol monitoring protocols like the SCRAM bracelet to monitor offenders in DWI and DUI Courts across the country. Treatment courts supported by the NADCP and the National Center for DWI Courts play an important role in helping those accused of drug and alcohol related crimes gain back their lives. In many cases, treatment courts focus on rehabilitation instead of solely punishing the offender. Collaborative courts recognize that there may be an underlying addiction or dependence on drugs or alcohol that must be dealt with to prevent repeat offenses.
Many DWI and DUI courts utilize alcohol monitoring devices like the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring bracelet. These devices are worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by the offender for a given period of time. During this monitoring period, the device tests for alcohol consumption every 30 minutes. Alcohol is detected through the sweat naturally excreted through a person’s skin. The ankle bracelet can be hidden under most pantlegs and is tamper-resistant.
One of the most important things that treatment courts offer is the ability for the defendant to stay out of jail, maintain a job and be with their family. Working with offenders to deal with the underlying addiction or reliance on drugs and alcohol can change their entire life. The main idea is to prevent recidivism and the success rates for individual courts speak for themselves.