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Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Helps to Reduce Bond in DUI Case

SCRAM CAM Device Used as Condition of Release in Tragic Drunk Driving Accident


Bond was reduced for a man accused of being involved in a fatal drunk driving accident after agreeing to a number of release conditions including continuous alcohol monitoring. The bond was reduced to $500,000 after both the prosecution and defense agreed to numerous supervision points, 28 in all, according to reporting by the Port Lavaca Wave.

In addition to the $500,000, bond conditions included 24-hour continuous alcohol monitoring with a SCRAM device, a “deep lunch breath analysis mechanism with a camera installed on the vehicle he owns or uses the most,” and GPS monitoring, submission to drug/alcohol screening or assessment.

The alleged drunk driver was put on felony probation supervision including:

  • A curfew requirement from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am;
  • A prohibition from entering a premises where alcohol was served, with the exception of a restaurant;
  • Weekly reports regarding employment and income;
  • Random weekly drug testing;
  • Not associating with known “drug dealers, users, parolees, probationers, on bond or those with a reputation for violating the law; and
  • Abstaining from alcohol and drugs.

SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitors may be a useful tool in pre-trial release as they monitor for alcohol consumption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These monitors ensure that a wearer is not consuming alcohol and if they do violate a court order to abstain from alcohol there can be swift sanctions for non-compliance.

In cases where someone is dealing with an underlying addiction or dependence on alcohol, continuous alcohol monitoring can ensure that they are held accountable for their sobriety. It is the hope that with strict monitoring there will be a reduction in drunk driving recidivism.