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a Form – Client Rights & Responsibility

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Client Rights & Responsibility

    Every attempt will be made to respect a client’s privacy. Unless written permission to the contrary is given by the client, all communication between the client and DMS personnel will be held in strict confidence. Exceptions are threatened danger to self, others, or property; and/or Court / your attorney / Probation Officer ordered information.

    In accordance with Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 10569 of the California Code of Regulations each
    person participating in a DMS Program or soliciting services from DMS shall have rights which
    include, but are not limited to the following:

    • The right to confidentiality as provided for in Title 42, Section 2.1 through 2.67-1
      Code of Federal Regulations.

    • To be accorded dignity in professional relationships with DMS personnel.

    • To be informed prior to admission of any DMS program, what the cost of
      participation will be and how such fees will be paid.

    • To request that the Case Manager inform the client of his/her progress while
      participating in a DMS program.

    • Any complaints may be discussed with the president of Diversified Monitoring
      Systems. This procedure is to assure the client that his complaint will be handled
      in an appropriate and timely manner. President’s contact information is listed

    • DMS reserves the right to ask every participant to submit to a random urine
      analysis for drugs and or alcohol. Please be advised that refusal or a positive test
      may result in termination of your program.

    Diversified Monitoring Systems, LLC
    Patricia A. Verwiel, President
    1633 E. 4th St., Suite 152
    Santa Ana, CA 92701

    It is the client’s responsibility to provide any and all information required for the proper
    handling of your case. Please advise your DMS Case Manager of all Court dates; and give us 48 hour notice of any need for written correspondence (i.e. enrollment letter, progress report, completion notice, etc.) to the Court or your attorney. Any change in attorney, judge/commissioner, or venue (court) must be disclosed to your case manager as soon as possible. DMS will not be held accountable for misinformation or lack of information in relation to the handling of your case.


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