April 2019 is the 33rd annual Alcohol Awareness Month. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (now known as Facing Addiction with NCADD) has worked hard to help engage the community in discussions about alcohol and the devastating consequences associated with addiction. This year’s theme “Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow” uplifts those suffering with a dependence on alcohol to find help and stay committed to lifelong sobriety.
Local, state and national organizations partner throughout the month to sponsor events at schools, churches, and community centers to bring awareness about alcohol use disorder (AUD) and recovery options. Resources are provided to family and friends of those suffering from the disease and community participation is strongly encouraged.
The first weekend of the month (April 5-7, 2019) is designated as Alcohol-Free Weekend when all people are encouraged to stay sober for the 72-hour period. Alcohol-Free Weekend is used as a way to show people of all ages that alcohol is not needed to have fun.
Alcohol Awareness Month is one way to get the word out about a disease that affects millions of people across the country. It is not only the individual that suffers, but also their loved ones. If you or someone you know suffers from alcohol addiction there are resources available from treatment centers to alcohol monitoring devices like the SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring bracelet.