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$300k Grant Given to DUI Court in San Mateo County

For Third Year, San Mateo County Multiple DUI Court Receives Significant Grant

For third year in a row, the California Office of Traffic Safety has awarded a significant grant to San Mateo County’s Multiple DUI Court (MDUI Court). This year, as reported by Climate Online Redwood City, the county received a $300,000 grant for their DUI court that is focused on reducing the number of repeat offenders. The MDUI Court is a collaborative court that focuses on addressing the underlying problem of addiction, in addition to punishing the individual for committing a crime.

DUI courts across the nation have effectively helped numerous offenders. The focus becomes on sobriety. Many courts utilize continuous alcohol monitoring devices such as the SCRAM CAM to ensure that the offender is maintaining sobriety. The alcohol monitoring is done 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a given period. During that time, the person must completely abstain from alcohol or they could face additional consequences through the court system. The intense supervision holds people accountable to their sobriety.

In addition to alcohol monitoring, many programs including San Mateo’s MDUI Court require the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) on any vehicles that the offender owns or operates. Nearly all 50 states have either elective or mandatory IID requirements for a second or subsequent drunk driving conviction. Numerous studies have shown that alcohol monitoring in combination with swift sanctions for non-compliance is the most effective deterrent for drunk driving.

Safety agencies such as the California Office of Traffic Safety and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have recognized the importance of these programs and give annual grants. Outside funding of these programs helps them provide the support offenders need to address any addiction problems and stay out of the criminal justice system.