17.2 requires the court presiding over a criminal matter to consider the least restrictive alternative to incarceration. Our program has been built around jail alternatives since 2003. Alcohol monitoring, drug testing, GPS Location services, Therapy, Groups and more.....

DMS offers location monitoring through the latest OM400 GPS bracelet. The device tracks and confirms the location of the individual through the required period. It can give a judge, probation officer or other authority the assurance that a person is adhering to a specified location at all times.
The device can transmit daily reports if needed and transmits almost no “False Alerts.” GPS monitoring devices help to improve public safety and provide peace of mind for all parties. Currently we only provide GPS monitoring for Pre-Trial people that enroll voluntarily.
The SCRAM device or Secure, Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring is a bracelet worn on the ankle. It tests alcohol that is excreted through the skin 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The SCRAM device can be monitored through a landline phone connection or through an Ethernet cable.
Alcohol monitoring is done in a secure, private manner. The bracelet can be worn discretely under most pant legs and gives reliable, tamperproof results.
Diversified Monitoring Systems offers pre-sentenced home confinement monitoring through the latest technology. This house arrest bracelet is discrete but effective. It works with standard phone lines as well as Internet routers or an optional SCRAM-provided wireless system.
DMS uses the Standalone RF System with anti-tamper and cut-strap detection. The device is waterproof and the smallest RF system on the market.
We now offer a handheld remote breathalyzer in Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties. The handheld breath alcohol monitoring device is state-of-the-art with facial recognition and GPS location monitoring.
The device is equipped to do random or scheduled testing and offers a great alternative for low-risk offenders that travel frequently. The device is easy to use and provides immediate notification of breath alcohol reading.
DMS now offers 24 hour a day, 7 days a week drug monitoring through the Drug Patch. The Drug Patch tests the sweat excreted from a person’s skin to detect drugs in their system. It eliminates the frustration of urine and hair follicle samples. It is easy to use and highly effective.
The Drug Patch has been used in the Orange County DUI Court and other courts throughout California. The patch can be worn for 10 day or longer allowing for an increased window of detection. It not only detects “parent” drugs but also drug metabolites making it easier to determine the type of drug in the system.
DMS Videos
Review of DMS Staff
My First Reaction To Wearing The SCRAM Bracelet
What is a Sober Day?